
The concept of our Collaborative Libraries Project (CLP) came about from our Compassionate Karachi (CK) movement and is sponsored by Jubilee Life Insurance. After conducting our 5 Vision Campaigns, where we asked the citizens of Karachi how they envisioned a Compassionate Karachi. The most popular vision we received was to promote quality education for all. CLP aims to do just that. The project's goal is to promote the importance of education and reading in both underserved and privileged schools.


This project aims to come up with programs that promote reading in libraries, in not just underserved schools but also privileged schools.

Unique Perspective

This program bridges the gap between underserved and privileged schools by ensuring the privileged schools helps out the underserved either by donating books to libraries, or by dovoting some amount of their time helping the underserved children read.

What all you offer

Under CLP, CfC has established 25 libraries in underserved schools (16 in Korangi, 7 in Lyari, and 2 in Shireen Jinnah Colony). The collaboration was formed with 15 privileged schools (Bayview High School, Indus Academy, Froebel, Haque Academy, and more) that have partnered with the libraries. Numerous activities have been planned to engage the students from the 30 schools to interact with one another while promoting education. "Shelve a Book Drive" was the first activity conducted in all 15 privileged schools in which students gifted books to the underserved schools. With an overwhelming response, we received over 35,000 books which are currently shelved in the libraries we created. To promote reading in the libraries, we have also launched "Partner in Reading." In this particular activity, we take students from both underserved schools and privileged schools and bring them together so that they can read with one another. The selected stories have a distinct theme of peace and harmony. Over 50 reading sessions have been held so far with over 500 participants.